Mount Kosciuszko Inc. - our contact details

our contact details

Perth — Western Australia

69 Cardington Way, Huntingdale WA 6110

—:— Phone in Perth: (08) 9490 4279 —:—

Contact details

Contact details, our phone numbers, e-mail and more.
We welcome & we are waiting for contact.

The our association location is indicated by the red marker on the Google map below.

Get in touch send an email to the founder and coordinator our website of Mt Kosciuszko Inc. - Ms. Anna Habryn

Contact address of our representative in Poland:
Zdzisław Leliwa
85-794 Bydgoszcz ul. Zbójnicka 3/26
E-mail: mtkosciuszko [at] wp [dot] pl
Mobile /cell phone: +48 725-457-558

The our association location is indicated by the red marker on the Google map - see below.


Membership of Mt Kosciuszko Inc. is open to all, both individuals and organisations.
If you would like to become a member of our Association then the membership form you can in .pdf file format  _get here_ pdf  or in the .docx file _get here_ doc
You can _use this link_ if you have not installed Adobe Acrobat yet.

...and after filling it in you can send it back by post to the above address, or electronically to the address of the Mt Kosciuszko Inc. Secretary.Join us.

Sender's contact information is not stored in our system - they are used only to an exchange of correspondence.

Feel free to contact us directly if you want to know more. Thank You very much for your visiting interest and comments.

Important - it is worth knowing that… :
You can pay any donations collected in cash into our bank accounts.
Any collected on our bank account funds to devoteexclusively to the needs of the Association's statutory objectives and the implementation of, and maintenance of our website.

Our bank accounts :

In Australia:
Mt Kosciuszko Incorporated Perth
69 Cardington Way, Huntingdale WA 6110
Bank account number:
Commonwealth Bank of Australia - Perth
066173 10156000

In Poland  [PLN]:
Zdzislaw Leliwa 85-794 Bydgoszcz ul. Zbojnicka 3/26
Bank account number:
BRE Bank S.A. INTERNET BANKING, al. Pilsudskiego 3, 90-368 Lódź
98 1140 2004 0000 3402 6071 0638
IBAN: PL98 1140 2004 0000 3402 6071 0638

How to address the transfer to mBank from abroad - other currency.