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Special Acknowledgements
from Mt Kosciuszko Incorporated.

Mt Kosciuszko Incorporated wish to extend special thanks to everybody, who through their research, has given us access to important references, additional interesting information and valuable materials.
Thanks to you the knowledge about Polish achievements in Australia can be shared throughout the world.

On this page we will place our words of gratitude to the persons and institutions supporting our activities.
To view more details, simply tap/click on the„highlighted”text.
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The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dublin organized an interesting exhibition about the activities of Paul E. Strzelecki during the Great Famine's defeat in Ireland in 1845-1849. The exhibition was opened on 8 May (2019) in the Royal Irish Academy Library - Dublin.

At our request, Ms.Nikola Sękowska-Moroney (dealing with matters Cultural Affairs and Media Coordinator) from the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dublin sent to our archives in Poland a few copies of the _advertising catalog and folders _ cos2 cos2 cos2 (in English), and a catalog in Polish.

Thanks very much for the completion of our request.

On 12 November 2017, our representative Mr Zdzislaw Leliwa visited Mr Witold Lukasiak in Warsaw and received from him, for our Polish archive „The Yearbook of Polish Museum and Archives in Australia” Vol.6, Melbourne 2015.
Editorial Board: Piotr P. Bajer, Zdzisław A. Derwinski, Helena Evert.

In this Yearbook on page 85 there is a radio play from 1933 „Strzelecki” written by Wladyslaw Adam Noskowski, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland in Australia & New Zealand (1933 - 1945), is published for the first time.
Click _here to see_ cos2 cos2 cover Yearbook 2015 and personal dedication for Z. Leliwa.
Witold Lukasiak prepared this for print and provided valuable footnotes based on historical facts.

The manuscript of the „Strzelecki” radio feature was been given to Waclaw Slabczynski by Wladyslaw Noskowski in 1933 and has now been allowed to be published by Tadeusz Slabczynski, the son of this renowned biographer Paul E. Strzelecki.
We thank You.

Many thanks to many people, in partic:
Mrs. Bożena Pawlowska-Kilanowski, Mrs. Agata Kalinowska-Bouvy, and the Manager of Kornik Library Prof. Dr hab. Tomasz Jasiński
our Association on 8 March 2010 has come into possession of the excellent quality photocopies of three original letters written by Sir Paul E. Strzelecki, and obtained by the Library from Mr. Stanislaus Rostworowski of Warsaw.

Click _here to see_ cos2 cos2 cos2 cos2 cos2 the copies of Paul E. de Strzelecki's letters.

Special thanks we express to Mrs. Agata Kalinowska-Bouvy for her splendid work on translation of the letters from French into Polish.
We thank very much.

The Advertisement Studio „OP” in Bydgoszcz has _designed_ made and it handed
9 October 2009 over to us a banner promoting our Association.
Thanks to them we will be more visible at the various occasional events.

We thank You very much.

ribbon-blackLech Paszkowski of Melbourne
Honorary Member of the Mt Kosciuszko Inc. the journalist, writer, author of many precious publications about Paul E. Strzelecki, both in Polish and in English, i.e. „Sir Paul Edmund de Strzelecki - Reflections of his life” has given us, in July 2004, a dozen copies no longer available in bookshops of _his book_ :
„Social Background of Sir Paul Strzelecki and Joseph Conrad” (with the autograph of the Author and a Foreword by Prof. Jerzy Zubrzycki).
The book was published by the Australia Felix Literary Club in Melbourne in 1980.
Thank You very much.

In 2011, our representative in Poland during his stay in Australia received his book in Melbourne from the hands of Lech Paszkowski: „Sir Paul Edmund de Strzelecki. Reflections on his life” with a _personal dedication_ cos2

We are grateful to the PWN Publishers in Warsaw who on our request kindly _traced_ and xero-copied for us a book:
„Paweł Edmund Strzelecki - Selected writings ” (collected and edited by Waclaw Slabczynski and published in 1960)
which was delivered to us on 25 January 2007. The book is rare and unavailable on the market.

On the 7.08.2007, the Library of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, - who owns control rights over the publication - thanks to the kindness of its Director of the Library Dr Artur Jazdon - has conveyed to our Association a CD containing the scanned copy of a book (published in London 1943 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Paul E Strzelecki's death) under the title:

„Life of Sir Paul Strzelecki Edmund; Polish scientist, explorer and philanthropist 1796 - 1873; with foreword by Bruce S. M., introduction by Shane Leslie”.

With the consignment from the day 7.09.2007 we received also:
„Paweł Edmund Strzelecki
Society of Unity with Poles Abroad „Polonia”. Poznań Branch”
Edward Raczyński Municipal Public Library Poznań 1988 - (a CD containing the scanned)
and booklet:
„Z Wielkopolski w świat” Marii Paradowskiej i Jolanty Bagińskiej-Mleczak - Poznań 1984

See the _cover pages_ of the above-mentioned books.

On the 2 November 2007 from the Special Collection of the UAM University-Library we received a compact disk containing the scanned book:
„Piotr i Pawel Edmund Strzeleccy: pomyłki, sprostowania, uzupełnienia i rozszerzenia” Gdynia 2000

We would like _especially thank_ the Chief Librarial dr Artur Jazdon, and all the persons of Studio of Microfilming and the Digitalization from the Library of Adam Mickiewicz University who helped with fulfillment of our request.

From the Director of Jagiellonian University Library in Cracow prof. dr hab. Zdzisław Pietrzyk we received on the 3 November 2007 a letter, wherein the Library passes down to us a _compiling_ (in the form of scan on the CD)
of the night of remembrance, which was staged on 15 November 1973 on the occasion of the centenary of Paul E. Strzelecki's death.

The Mt Kosciuszko Inc. _thanks_ very much for the completion of our request.