Strzelecki in Nancy Cato’s novel
North-West by South” 2

part two

The author of „North - West by South” credits Strzelecki with the discovery of gold in Australia - (p.208):

„Count Strzelecki, who had been gallant to Sophie, charming to Lady Franklin and sympathetic friend to Sir John, had finally left them for the mainland, from where he would go to England to see his book through the press.
He had added something of tone to Government House gatherings in Hobart town. He had enchanted the ladies with his graceful manner, his European ease of address, his vivacity and fire. How was it such a charming man was not married, they wondered?
Before leaving, the Count had confided to Sir John, who had told Jane with the strictest injunctions to secrecy, that he had found what was probably a rich gold discovery west of Sydney, during his exploration in New South Wales; but he had promised Sir George Gipps not to reveal it, for fear of its effect on the young colony.”

More on Strzelecki - (p.249):

„Sir John determined to produce a pamphlet setting out all the facts, and publish it. Not all Jane's « influence », backed by the advice of their friend Count Strzelecki, could deflect him from his purpose.”

At the end, the author of „North-West by South” writes - (p.253):

„On Flinders Island in Bass Strait it was the end of summer. Cold winds were beginning to sweep in from south-west, in pattern charted by Count Strzelecki in the book he was just seeing through the press, dedicated to Sir John Franklin - and paid for in part by the Tasmanian subscription got up by Sir John and handsomely begun with his own donation of a hundred pounds.”

Nancy Cato based the book „North-West by South” on handwritten notes, diaries of contemporaries - mainly Lady Franklin and her stepdaughter Eleanor, explorers' accounts and reports, as well as concurrent newspapers.
It may be certainly assumed that she depicted times and persons with great realism.

The translation from Polish - collective work
Tygodnik Polski (Polish Weekly, article improved in English version), Melbourne,17.12.2003

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The two page dedication on for Sir John Franklin in Strzelecki book „Physical description of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land” reads as below.



Fully impressed with the idea, that a token seldom corresponds, and never is expected to correspond, in value to the sentiments it is meant to testify, I still take the liberty of inscribing to you this slight but most sincere tribute, not only of my regard and esteem, but of a gratitude far exceeding the ordinary sense of obligation, for those courtesies, and that hospitality, which, in common with every visitor, I experienced from you in Hobart Town. In my case, indeed, I have to acknowledge far more than mere conventional civilities. When, after completing the exploration of New South Wales.

I ventured on that of Van Diemen’s Land, I was welcomed, on my arrival at Launceston, by a kind letter of yours, which is now before me, and which insured to me, a stranger at that time, all the protection and assistance which the pursuit I was engaged in could require.

The two years and a half which followed, were often marked by instances of that assistance, and always by the uninterrupted manifestation of a most kind and friendly interest, on the part both of Lady Franklin and yourself; and even when far away from Van Diemen’s Land, in other climes and countries, the influence of your friendly disposition followed me still, as on my return to England.

I found myself honoured by an address from the Tasmanian Public, headed by your name, and which, from the motives which prompted it, will form the proudest memorial of my life.

Whilst acknowledging my obligations to you, permit me at the same time, my dear Sir John, to offer you in all sincerity my most warm and cordial wishes for the Success of that important Expedition which in a few days will leave the shores of England under your command.
Nearly eighteen years have elapsed since last you visited the Polar Regions – three hundred Since the first attempt was made to ascertain the practicability of navigating round the Northern Boundary of the American Continent :
May the enviable lot of solving this still pending geographical problem fall to your share! and may that good fortune be united with a prosperous voyage, and a safe return to your country and your friends!

Believe me, & c. & c
My dear Sir John
Yours most sincerely… Paul E. de Strzelecki

London, May 13. 1845

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To the very flattering expressions and hearty good wishes which this address breathes throughout, was added a subscription amounting to 400 £, 100£ of which was contributed by Sir John Franklin himself.

On his return to England, Strzelecki received from Tasmanian Public thanking address and money for edition his scientific book.
In preface to this book Strzelecki wrote: See box on right


Tygodnik Polski (Polish Weekly, article improved in English version), Melbourne,17.12.2003

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