Paul E. Strzelecki - monuments
on the route South Expedition

Strzelecki monuments

The erection of the cairns in Gippsland was a project initiated in March 1926 by the Historical Memorials Committee Melbourne-based to commemorate the South journeys in 1840 of pioneer and explorer, Paul Edmund Strzelecki's.
This Committee comprised individuals from the Education Department, Railways, Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Lands Department, Tourist Board, and the Town Planning Committee. Sir James Barrett was chairman, with C.R. Long as treasurer, and Chas Daley as secretary.

In order of occurrence reconstructed route of the expedition, erected seven cairns or marble tablets memorials are located in: Heyfield, Loy Yang (near Traralgon), Koornalla, Mirboo North, Leongatha, Korumburra and Corinella.
Check the location of the commemorative monuments on the general GippsLand map. The name of Paul E. Strzelecki is incorrectly spelled - Streleski in the title of the photo..

In the article „Gippsland Explorers. Governor’s Tour”, The Argus, 11 April 1927 p. 8 writes
It is not clear when the dedication to Charlie Tarra and the rest of Strzelecki’s party was added to the Corinella cairn.
Originally plaque on the monument was reportedly installed only with the names of James Riley and Strzelecki.

One commemorative plaque not related to Strzelecki's expeditions, funded by the Australian Polonia, was unveiled in 1988 and is located in East Maitland (NSW).

Thanks to Tad and the Admin of the website for the uploaded on monument to Strzelecki plaque in Corinella.
If you are able to fill in short descriptions and photos for individual monuments, please contact us by e-mail.
