Paul E. Strzelecki - monuments on the route South Expedition
The erection of the cairns in Gippsland was a project initiated in March 1926 by the Historical Memorials Committee Melbourne-based to commemorate the South journeys in 1840 of pioneer and explorer, Paul Edmund Strzelecki's.
This Committee comprised individuals from the Education Department, Railways, Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Lands Department, Tourist Board, and the Town Planning Committee. Sir James Barrett was chairman, with C.R. Long as treasurer, and Chas Daley as secretary.
In order of occurrence reconstructed route of the expedition, erected seven cairns or marble tablets memorials are located in: Heyfield, Loy Yang (near Traralgon), Koornalla, Mirboo North, Leongatha, Korumburra and Corinella.
Check the location of the commemorative monuments on the general GippsLand map. The name of Paul E. Strzelecki is incorrectly spelled - Streleski in the title of the photo..
In the article „Gippsland Explorers. Governor’s Tour”, The Argus, 11 April 1927 p. 8 writes … … It is not clear when the dedication to Charlie Tarra and the rest of Strzelecki’s party was added to the Corinella cairn. Originally plaque on the monument was reportedly installed only with the names of James Riley and Strzelecki.
One commemorative plaque not related to Strzelecki's expeditions, funded by the Australian Polonia, was unveiled in 1988 and is located in East Maitland (NSW).
Thanks to Tad and the Admin of the website for the uploaded on monument to Strzelecki plaque in Corinella. If you are able to fill in short descriptions and photos for individual monuments, please contact us by e-mail.
The first European contact with this area was recorded by Paul Strzelecki in 1840 and later Angus McMillan - when they crossed the Thomson River near present Heyfield on explorations of the Gippsland area. Click picture on right - see photo In „The Age” (Melbourne) 7 April 1927 we can read a mention… … The memorial cairn erected to the memory of Strzelecki was unveiled this by Lord Somers the Governor of Victoria, in the presence of one of the largest dithering ever seen in Heyfield.
He said: „This was the first memorial erected to Strzelecki, and described his travels, the abandonment of his horses, and his final arrival at Westernport on foot, practically without food.” GPS Coordinates: Lat: -37.984344 / Long: 146.783044 - Click picture on bottom - see photo -
_ Read also below - Mirboo North txt _
Mirboo North
The Strzelecki Monument at Mirboo North is located on the north side of Ridgeway in Baromi Park, constructed by Tom Nilan in 1927. The commemorative plaque indicating the explorer's passage through the area in April 1840, is in white marble with incised letters. Click picture on left - see photo
Was officially unveiled by the Governor of Victoria, Lord Somers, on 8 April, 1927. The Cairn was originally located at the intersection of Ridgway and the Strzelecki Highway (Thorpdale Road) opposite St Mary's Anglican Church and was relocated to its present site in February, 1972 as a result of road widening works. In 1994 a threat by the Shire of Mirboo to have it demolished resulted in a public outcry, and it was saved following a public meeting. GPS Coordinates: Lat: -38.400827 / Long: 146.156558
The Strzelecki Memorial at Leongatha, located close to the road on Long Street in the railway reserve, is a simple squat square tapered column of concrete blocks on a roughly coursed bluestone rubble square base, with a flat pyramidal top surmounted by a weather vane.
Memorial was constructed by Jason Palmer to the design of James T Knox. The concrete blocks were supplied by James T Knox, and are the same used at other buildings be constructed in the Shire.
It was officially unveiled by the Governor, Lord Somers, on 8 April, 1927 in the presence of local schoolchildren and residents, and guests.
A bronze plaque on the east side commemorates Strzelecki's passage through South Gippsland - „Count Strzelecki First Explorer of South Gippsland passed within 10 miles of this spot May 1840”.
A drinking water fountain - unfortunately broken at present - is located above a small waterer protruding below the plaque.
GPS Coordinates: Lat: -38.478369 / Long: 145.949063 - Click picture on bottom - see photo -
_ Read also below - Korumburra txt _
Warragul - Korumburra
The Memorial to Paul E. Strzelecki at Korumburra, was designed by the Korumburra Shire Engineer, Mr Horsfall and, constructed in 1927 at the intersection of the Old Bena Korumburra Road and Warragul Road. Was officially unveiled by the Governor, Lord Somers, on 9 April 1927. It is a simple roughly constructed tapered square column of split bluestone pitcher quoins and coursed bluestone rubble on a square base, with battered sides and a pyramidal top. A bronze plaque on the east side commemorates Strzelecki’s passing near this place in May 1840 „Count Strzelecki, the first explorer, South Gippsland passed this spot in May 1840. Erected 1927”. GPS Coordinates: Lat: -38.412716 / Long: 145.80937
The Memorial erected in 1927 commemorates Paul Edmund Strzelecki who passed by this spot in 1840. An additional plaque and relief portrait was donated by the Polish Association of the Latrobe Valley and unveiled on 10.7.1966 by Councillor E.A. Farmer President of the Shire of Traralgon. The relief portrait of Strzelecki was sculpted by A.Santowiak. Have we received here a few pictures from Tad GPS Coordinates: Lat: -38.329559 / Long: 146.528669 - Click picture on bottom - see photo -
_ Read also below - Loy Yang (Traralgon East) _
See a video of the memorial being lifted into its new location. (2:28). More info & foto ..
Loy Yang (near Traralgon East)
The Strzelecki Memorial, East of Traralgon, was unveiled in 8 April 1927 by the Governor of Victoria, Lord Somers - to commemorate Paul Edmund de Strzelecki who passed by this spot in 1840. This is the first of four monuments of this type marking various points on Strzelecki's route.
The Strzelecki monument in Traralgon had been previously restored in 1966 and unveiled by Sir Herbert Hyland on 10th July, with the addition of a new plaque and a relief portrait of Strzelecki that was sculpted by Arthur Santowiak and donated by the Polish Association of the Latrobe Valley.
A historic monument acknowledging the route of Gippsland’s first explorer Paul E. Strzelecki was moved to its current location in 2015 due to the expansion of the Princes Highway East and preserved for future generations. GPS Coordinates: Lat: -38.186541 / Long: 146.586934
Corinella - Monument, located at the end of Smythe St. in Corinella Foreshore Caravan Park. A memorial commemorates the arrival of expedition Paul Edmund Strzelecki to the Settlement 12th of May 1840 during his overland expedition from the Murrumbidgee River in New South Wales through Omeo and Gippsland to Melbourne. The inscription on the bronze plaque was revised (no date information available) to include the name of their Aboriginal guide Charlie Tarra (spelt Tara on the upper plaque) whose knowledge and hunting ability saved the party from starvation. GPS Coordinates: Lat: -38.408478 / Long: 145.420697
_ Read also below - East Maitland _
East Maitland (NSW)
Located in King Edward Park (near the Les Darcy Memorial) on the Newcastle St. cnr Banks St. the Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki Memorial celebrates Strzelecki, a famous explorer, scientist, and philanthropist.
Erected by the Polish Community in appreciation of his contribution to Australia's exploration discoveries, and immigration the development of early into Australia.
Unveiled by its President Feliks J. Dangel B.E.M. honour of Freeman of the City Maitland, J.P. on the 3rd of May 1988. GPS Coordinates: Lat: -32.7478 / Long: 151.582767