The Committee (B.R.A) are enabled to place a few of the Testimonials, Votes of Thanks, &e. here referred to before the reader.

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The Skibbereen Union

Testimonial from the Proprietors and Inhabitants of the Cahersiveen
(Éire/Ireland. Cathair Saidhbhín) Union to the COUNT de STRZELECKI

We, the undersigned Proprietors and Inhabitants of the Union of Cahersiveen, beg to express to you our deep regret at the sudden severance of your official connexion with this country.
Throughout its continuance we trace the utmost zeal and selfdevotion, combined with great practical ability, in the administration of a noble charity, springing out of the benevolence of tnglishmeb, excited by the afflicted condition of this country.

testimonial Cahersiveen

For such benevolence we desire to tender through you our grateful acknowledgments, and particularly for the consideration with which the remnant of your munificent fund was applied to mitigate the sufferings of the poor children of the most distressed families.
It would be unwarrantable in us, locally conversant with the sufferings of the past season, if we omitted to recognise the zeal, ability, sand kindness with which the purposes of your Association have been seconded by our Local Inspector, Colonel Clarke.


  • M. Fitzgerald, Knight of Kerry.
  • Maurice O'Connell, M.P. for Tralec, Deputy Lieutenant for County Kerry.
  • James O'Connell, J.P.
  • John Healy, P.P. Cahersiveen.
  • Théobald A. Dillon, R.M.
  • Daniel Mahony.
  • M. Spottiswoode, M.R.C.S.
  • Edward L. Sandiford, Clerk.
  • B. Blackburn, Valentia Slate quarries.
  • Thomas McGuire, P.P. Valentia.
  • John O'Connell
  • Whitwell Butler, J.P.
  • Patrick TRANT, J.P.
  • James Barry, P.P.
  • John F. Fitzgedald
  • William P. O'Brien, V.G.
  • Robert Eagan Clerk
  • Richard Burtchall, V.G.

Continued on the below page.

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Resolution passed at a Meeting of the Guardians of Skibbereen Union.

on the 31st August, 1848

RESOLVED,— That the period having arrived when it has been found expedient to terminate, on the part of the British Association, the liberal system of relief which they had adopted during nearly nine months of the present year at the schools of the Union, we feel especially bound to offer to that benevolent body our most grateful thanks for their munificent and timely aid, which has saved the lives of many of our impoverished population

guardians shibbereen

and the Union saved from an enormous additional expense, which it never could have borne; and that we feel ourselves most especially bound to express the gratification which we entertain of the valuable services of the Count Strzelecki, in the superintendence of the affairs of the British Association in Ireland, and of J. J. Marshall, Esq. Poor Law Inspector, whose unceasing and indefatigable exertions in administering relief in this Union entitle him to the highest praise.

Signed: Adopted unanimously.

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from the…
Protestant Patrons of the Skibbereen Union,
thanks for Supplying School Children with Food.

dated September 5th, 1848

H AVING experienced the bounty of the British Association in supplying the children of our Schools with food, by which they are not only in a healthy but in a very thriving condition, and as (unhappily, we fear) its funds are exhausted, and it will therefore no longer be able to act by on the generous part it has no long done, we, the Protestant Patrons of the Schools so assisted, cannot suffer the opportunity to pass (while we lament the cessation of its needful assistance at this time) of thanking its Members most cordially, and the British Public through them, for the salutary and extensive aid we have hereby received.

If any circumstance could increase our gratitude, it is the judicious mode selected for bestowing it, and for which, as we are informed the Associationis indebted to you,
Testimonial to Count de Strzelecki Sir, for the suggestion and working of the system, we beg to render you our thankful acknowledgment.
It was one of the most judicious methods that could be thought of for affording us the assistance we required, as (carried out in the spirit of the intention) it was a means of correcting the degraded habits engendered by gratuitous feeding in the rising generation, teaching them, while improving their minds and principles, to know the scripturalrule, that „if man will not work, neither should he eat”.

It was calculated to raise them into a comparative state of respectability, when it could be said by them in a sense, that they had earned what they ate.

Blessing God for putting it into the hearts of those who supplied your Association with the means, and for suggesting, through you, the excellent mode of dispensing the funds entrusted to its care, we implore the Divine mercy to give to you all the full satisfaction of those benevolent minds who feel the highest gratification in being useful to their fellow-creatures.


  • Alexander Stuart, Archdeacon of Ross and Vicar of Aghadown.
  • Elizabeth Fleming, New Court.
  • Thomas Morris, Mohana,
  • James Freke, Rector of Kilcoe and Clear.
  • John Triphook, Rector and Vicar of Skull.
  • Henry Justice, Bellydehob.
  • Richard Boyle Townsend, Vicar of Abbey Strewry.
  • Elizabeth Newman, Betsborough.
  • Henry Newman, Betsborough.
  • Alexsander McCape, Curate of Creagh.
  • Edward Spring, Curate of Tullagh.
  • Charles Bushe, Rector of Castlelaven.
  • Robert Oliver, Curate of Myross.
  • William Baldwin, Rector of Kilfanghnabeg.
  • C. C. Townsend, Rector of Kilmacabea.

Here you will find a further list with co-signatures this testimonial.

Extract from an Address presented to CAPT. H. W. GORDON, 59th Regiment, by the Inhabitants of the Bantry Union, dated 1st September, 1848.

We shall be much obliged by your expressing to the British Association how deeply we feel for their munificent and timely aid, by which the lives of no many of our population have been preserved.

Timothy O'Donovan, J. P.
and 34 others.

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